Personalities of BH – Sepultura




Sepultura is a Brazilian metal band that emerged in 1984, created by the Cavalera brothers Max and Igor Cavalera in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais5. It is considered the most publicized Brazilian band in the world.

Sepultura has diverse influences, ranging from black metal and death metal, thrash metal passing by until inspirations outside the metal as hardcore, Japanese and African tribal music, Indian music, among other musical styles.

Sepultura has sold approximately 20 million units worldwide, gaining gold and platinum albums worldwide, including in countries such as France, Australia, Indonesia, United States and his native Brazil.

Outside, meanwhile, the tour was long Arise and went unpublished for places like Greece, Japan and Australia was released the band’s first EP, the Third World Posse. In Holland debuted at an international festival of great repercussion, the “Dynamo Open Air”, for over 30,000 people. And attracted more than 100,000 people in the two sold out stadium when they were in Indonesia. There were also awarded gold tapes for good sales.


Education of Belo Horizonte.

much more than a daycare

In Belo Horizonte, Children four months will and five years old Are enrolled in municipal units of early childhood education (UMEIs). . The architectural design of the units, such as highlighted by the Ministry of Education, draws attention at first sight. Who transits Belo Horizonte recognizes the peculiar style in colorful facade.

When you see a UMEI first time, usually the reaction is to think that mothers will not have money to enroll their children in a school as good. When you see a UMEI first time, usually the reaction is to think that mothers will not have money to enroll their children in a school as good, The furniture is designed to provide the best teaching performance. The classrooms, spacious and well ventilated, are equipped with closet and sink, The small number of students in class to facilitate interaction and learning. All material is identified individually and through an agenda, parents and educators share information on any change in the daily lives of children.

This special care reveals the attention of a city that prides itself on being the first in Brazil to offer early childhood education as a right for all. This ensures the little opportunities life much better than their parents had.





Colorful architecture of the units.

Top 5 museums in Belo horizonte

– Museu de Artes e Ofícios

Praça Rui Barbosa


-Museu das Minas e do Metal

Praça da Liberdade
Telefone: 31 3516-7200


-Museu de Ciências Naturais

Rua Dom José Gaspar, 290 – Coração Eucarístico


-Museu Histórico Abilio Barreto

Avenida Prudente de Morais, 202 – Cidade Jardim.


History of Belo Horizonte

The metropolis was once a small village, founded by João Leite da Silva Ortiz, a bandeirante explorer from São Paulo. The explorer settled in the region in 1701, leaving a gold rush expedition. He then established a farm called “Curral d’el Rey”, archaic Portuguese for the “King’s Corral”, which in modern Portuguese would be spelled Curral do Rei. The farm’s wealth and success encouraged people from surrounding places to move into the region, and Curral del Rey became a village surrounded by farms.Largo_da_Matriz_1894-1

Another important factor contributing to the growth of the village was the number of migrants from the São Francisco river region, who had to pass through Curral d’el Rey in order to reach southern parts of Brazil. Travelers usually visited a small wooden chapel, where they prayed for a safe trip. Due to this fact, the chapel was named Capela da Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem, which means “Chapel of Our Lady of the Good Journey.” After the construction of Belo Horizonte, the old baroque chapel was replaced by a neo-gothic church which became the city’s cathedral.

The previous capital of Minas Gerais, Ouro Preto (meaning “black gold”, due to dark rocks with gold inside found on the region), originally called “Vila Rica” (“wealthy village”), was a symbol of both the monarchic Brazilian Empire and the period when most of Brazilian income was due to mining, and that never pleased the members of the Inconfidência Mineira, republican intellectuals who conspired against the Portuguese dominion of Brazil. In 1889, Brazil became a republic, and it was agreed that a new state capital, in tune with a modern and prosperous Minas Gerais, had to be set.


Symbol of the Inconfidência Mineira

In 1893, due to the climatic and topographic conditions, Curral Del Rey was selected by Minas Gerais governor Afonso Pena among other cities as the location for the new economical and cultural center of the state, under the new name of “Cidade de Minas,” or Minas City.

Aarão Reis, an urbanist from the State of Pará, was then set to design the second planned city of Brazil (the first one is Teresina), and then Cidade de Minas was inaugurated finally in 1897, with many unfinished constructions as the Brazilian Government set a deadline for its completion. Inhabitation of the city was subsidized by the local government, through the concession of free empty lots and funding for building houses. An interesting feature of Reis’ downtown street plan for Belo Horizonte was the inclusion of a symmetrical array of perpendicular and diagonal streets named after Brazilian states and Brazilian indigenous tribes.

In 1906, the name was then changed to Belo Horizonte, and at that time the city was experiencing a considerable industrial expansionthat increased its commercial and service sectors. From its very beginning, the city’s original plan prohibited workers to live inside the urban area which was defined by Avenida do Contorno (a long avenue which goes around the city’s central areas), reserved for the public sector functionaries (hence the name of the still trendy neighborhood “Funcionários”), and bringing about an accelerated occupation outside the city’s area well provided with infrastructure since its very beginning. Obviously, the city’s original planners did not count on its population growth afterwards, which proved especially intense in the last twenty years of the 20th century.

In the 1940s, a young Oscar Niemeyer designed the Pampulha Neighborhood to great acclaim, a commission he got thanks to then-mayor, soon-to-be-president Juscelino Kubitschek. These two men are largely responsible for the wide avenues, large lakes, parks and jutting skylines that characterize the city today.

Belo Horizonte is fast becoming a regional center of commerce. The Latin American Research and development center of Google, situated in Belo Horizonte, is responsible for the management and operation of the social networking website Orkut. It continues to be a trendsetter in the arts, particularly where music, literature, architecture and the avant-garde are concerned. There are plans underway to move a complex of government ministries north of the center, onto the road to Confins International Airport, liberating space around beautiful palm-fringed Praça da Liberdade to house the city’s symphony orchestra and other arts organizations.[9]

Economy of Belo Horizonte

Belo Horizonte receives large numbers of visitors, as it is in the Brazilian main economic axis, exerting influence even on other states. Both multinational and Brazilian companies, like Google and Oi, maintain offices in the city. The service sector plays a very important role in the economy of Belo Horizonte, being responsible for 85% of the city’s gross domestic product (GDP), with the industry making up for most of the remaining 15%. Belo Horizonte has a developed industrial sector, being traditionally a hub of the Brazilian siderurgical and metallurgical industries, as the state of Minas Gerais has always been very rich in minerals, specifically iron ore.